
Dark Eldar Archon unboxing and assembly

Here's a quick look at the new Plastic Archon model that came out with the Dark Eldar release... I've wanted to open him up and assemble earlier, but haven't had the time.

I'm not a huge fan of this model due to the statuesque pose, but the detail is pretty cool.  I left his head and trophy rack off for painting, but assembled everything else.  I suppose you could make a case for leaving off his cape, but I didn't want to deal with any gaps on his shoulders.

I'm not sure when this guy will get painted up, but here's a look at him compared to the finecast crap version I painted a little while back.  Unboxing and assembly video after the break.

1 comment:

  1. Paul,
    Thanks for this! His cape looks very similar to the haemy's cape in terms of complexity in fitment. Surprised you glued it on at all!
