
Smaug sculpted by Michael Perry, comments...

Saw this pop up on my facebook feed.  It looks like Michael Perry digitally sculpted Smaug before they left earlier this year.  Does this mean its the last model in the Hobbit lineup?  I wonder if the comment about plastic is a sign of internal discussions... I mean, why would they go to the trouble of having him do his first digital model if it wasn't intended to be plastic?  My guess would be that the plan was for plastic, but when the Hobbit flopped (from a miniatures sales point of view) they back peddled to forgeworld resin.

1 comment:

  1. I have heard rumours that they had a boxed set planned for the second movie, with plastic laketown terrain. That would have been a fun skirmish game I think, chasing dwarves around on the planks and gangways. But apparently the first set didn't sell too well.
