
Harlequin Unboxing and Assembly

I caved and picked up a troupe box yesterday... I had wanted to wait until the full release came out before picking anything up, but these things are trickling out so slowly that I pulled the trigger.  I'd like to put together a small band to complement my Dark Eldar, so I'll probably pick up a transport and character to go with these guys.  I'm also considering the idea of converting wyches into Harlequins... might be a decent conversion project.  The basic idea would be to put masks on heads and use Harlequin arms.

Also, a size comparison below the video...


  1. These new plastic Harlequins look obscenely huge. Is it just the picture or are all of the new Harlequin models like that?

    1. Image is straight from camera and the bases are basically in line, so yeah, they are slightly scaled up

    2. Do you got metal ones to compare? Now that would be interesting.

    3. Sorry, I don't have metal ones to compare. I think the metal ones are more in line with the existing eldar/dark eldar, so the new plastic ones probably look bigger, especially the way they are posed

  2. Thanks again as always for the size shots paul! they are really helpful!
