
Harlequin Progress

These guys are coming along nicely.  I'm actually surprised that after two nights of painting I feel like I have solid progress.  I was worried about the diamond patterns, but I think they turned out really well, so I thought I'd share.  I'm using the same pallet as my Dark Eldar in hopes that they will ook like they belong, so that's where I came up with colour patterns.  Up close you can see the errors, but I think the overall impression works.

I do think I want to add some more green and blue before finishing them up. Maybe gloves, boots, jackets, etc.


  1. These are truly beautiful! That diamond pattern is amazing! Kudos to you for your patience and skill. I look forward to more from you!

  2. Looks good mate. You have stunning patience to be getting such consistent sizing across the pattern.

  3. Do you hate painting checkers yet?

    1. I'm actually not... 6 guys is a manageable number, and I'm used to doing this type of thing with my goff's. I'm sure if I was doing 3 troupes of 12 it would be a different story.

    2. Well it's really great work Paul. :)
