X-Men United Wolverine tutorial and photos

 Here's a video showing how I painted up Wolverine from Marvel United X-Men. He's a larger scale then I'm used to, so I tried using a zenithal base and mostly transparent paints.  There were a couple false starts (blue and black), but I'm pretty happy with how bright the yellow came through.  More pictures after the jump.  Let me know who I should paint next.

Marvel United - Wolverine WIP

 I have a new project that I'm working on: Marvel United X-Men.  My brother ordered me a copy as a birthday gift and it just arrived this week.  

At this scale I'm trying some slightly different techniques from my usual warhammer style.  Firstly I'm doing a grey primer with white primer zenithal highlight as a base coat.  Next I'm using either inks or contrast paints for base coats and trying to use the base coat to skip steps.  After that I'll do some basic layering and try to get the set done to a nice table top standard with minimal time. 

I also have the basic Avengers Marvel United set and am painting them, but may not do video tutorials for them because there seems to be lots on YouTube already.

3d printed walls for Cursed City preview

 Here's a preview video of a project my brother has been working on... 3d printed walls and doors for Warhammer Quest, The Cursed City.  I've been printing some prototype parts over the past weeks (pictures after the jump), and he is using some of my painted models for his photos and videos. 

Cursed City progress update

 Here's some pictures of my Cursed City progress.  I've got two charactors done, Skeletons, zombies and a few other bits.  Most of the other stuff is primed and ready.  I'm trying to use airbrushing and contrast paints to speed up my work flow, and I'm pretty happy so far with the results.

More after the jump...

Cursed City priming

 Here's a view of how I'm priming my cursed city models.  Black then grey from above.  Will airbrush and drybrush some white for additional zenith highlights before doing most of my colours with contrast paints.

Cursed City progress

 I've made a bit of progress on my cursed city set.  Everything is assembled and I've basically finished the skeletons.  The zombies have zenital highlights and I've primed almost everything else.

Warhammer Quest Cursed City

 Today’s the big day to preorder. I haven’t decided if I want to try for the online promo, the GW in store promo or FLGS route. 

Will have to rearrange my shelf though...

Crypt hunters finished

I’m calling these guys done now. Just some simple table top level paints and back into the box. Unfortunately the basing material I put on the bases means they don’t all fit nicely into the tray provided, so I may end up having to design and 3D print something. 

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