Canis basically done

Here's a couple pics of Canis. I don't think there's too many more details I'm going to paint on him. Perhaps some pack markings or the like, but otherwise I'm going to say he's done. While this might not be the most competitive choice in the new codex it is a great model to paint. I didn't think so when I first saw the pics online, but as I built and painted this guy I really grew to like him. Perhaps I'll use him as a non unique character, but I think he'll find his way into my lists fairly regularly. The last pic shows the progress I've made with the wolves.


  1. I would love to read more about how you use your airbrush to paint marines. Do you airbrush them, wash the crevices, and then highlight, or do you have another strategy?

  2. @Drathmere - today's post (Jan 6) has a bit more about airbrushing, but to answer your specific question... I have tried doing washes after airbrushing and I find that it doesn't flow very well. The overspray and thin layers of paint make hard for the washes to flow the way they should. If I were to seal it after airbrushing (spray finish) then I could do that. Since I'm aiming for high table top level I'm not doing much selective shading or highlighting. I find that the Reaper blue/grey triad gives me enough tonal variation when airbrushed that once I add the other details the guys look great, and I'm since I'm trying to paint up an army as fast as possible that's good enough for now.

  3. Thanks for the info! I love the contrast between the clean armor and the dark dry brushed fur. I think I will try using airbrush shading using GW paints and Tamiya X-20A thinner. Hopefully I can produce something as good looking as your recipe.

  4. @ drathmere - Before mixing up a batch check to see that the x-20a mixes well with GW paints (I'm not sure that it does). Tamiya paints airbrush really well (when thinned with either x-20a or rubbing alcohol). GW paints are fine with water or some other type of flow improver (liquitex airbrush medium is my choice). I prefer airbrushing reaper paints over gw because of the eye-dropper bottles, but I prefer Tamiya paints for their performance but dislike trying to pour out of those glass pots.


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