Anyway, I've got 4 battle wagons, and with the new ork faq I think the deff rolla is the thing to have. I'm also a strong believer in ork boyz, so here's what I've come up with. C&C would be most welcome.
warboss, power klaw, attack squig, skorcha, bosspole
big mek, kustom force field, bosspole
20 shoota boyz, one upgraded to nob with power klaw, boss pole
20 shoota boyz, one upgraded to nob with power klaw, boss pole
20 shoota boyz, one upgraded to nob with power klaw, boss pole
11 shoota boyz, trukk, red paint job
3 mega nobz, 1 skorcha, 1 rokkit, battlewagon, deff rolla, red paint job, boarding planks
Deff dread, +2 dccw
Heavy support
Battle wagon, deff rolla, red paint job, boarding planks
Battle wagon, deff rolla, red paint job, boarding planks
Battle wagon, deff rolla, red paint job, boarding planks
total: 1496
Good luck with the list. I would like to know how it works for you. Rip the wings off the Blood Angels and give them to your boys.