Painted Sanguinary Guard

I was lucky enough to get my hands on the Sanguinary guard early, and as a result I have them painted up for the release day. A full listing of paints and work in progress pictures are over at

These guys look awesome, but there are a couple things I don't love about them. First off, I'm not a big fan of the death masks. If I were to do them again I'd use the regular helmets. The other complaint is still about the clunky look they have. The weapons and stuff make them look too weighed down. I think they should have a more angelic look to them, maybe a little more graceful and looking like they are actually flying. But realistically, I really do love these models. Any small complaints aside, they are some of the best GW has released. I think I'll be buying some more.

I've also picked up the Sanguinor, Lamartes and a Baal Predator. I was painting Dante alongside these guys, so he's 90% done. If I have time he might get finished this weekend.

Check out the article here


  1. Wow, those are spectacular. I can only hope that I can make mine look that good once they get here.


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