All the boyz units have nobz with power klaws, and all the vehicles have boarding planks. There are lots of big shootas (one on each vehicle and all the boyz mobs have one, except one that has 2). There are 4 deff rollers, 4 trukks, 111 orks, 14 power klaws. I'm going to bleed kill points in the 3rd mission, but it should be fun anyway (8 vehicles at 3 KP each).
Ghazghkull (225)
Big mek with KFF, power klaw and cybork (120)
Nobz mob, 6 nobz, 1 painboy, cybork, 2 power klaws, battle wagon, etc (425)
Mega nobz, 4 nobz, battle wagon, etc (295)
Kommandos, 10 with snikrot and 2 burnas (205)
Shoota boyz, 19 plus nob, 2 big shootas, will go in battlewagon (170)
Shoota boyz, 18 plus nob, 1 big shoota, will go in battlewagon with big mek (159)
Trukk boyz, 11 plus nob, sluggas, big shoota, trukk, etc (162)
Trukk boyz, 11 plus nob, sluggas, big shoota, trukk, etc (162)
Trukk boyz, 11 plus nob, sluggas, big shoota, trukk, etc (162)
Trukk boyz, 11 plus nob, sluggas, big shoota, trukk, etc (162)
Heavy Support
Battle wagon, Deff Rolla, red paint job, big shoota, boarding planks (125)
Battle wagon, Deff Rolla, red paint job, big shoota, boarding planks (125)
Total 2497
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